Led by a world-renowned aging researcher, the EMBRACE Lab at the UCF College of Nursing is dedicated to Enhancing Mind-body Resilience for Aging with Cultural Equity (EMBRACE).


To address mind-body discrepancies, empower older individuals to cultivate their capacity to cope with challenges, and promote respect for all cultures.


Current research projects and funding.

  1. Optimizing a technology-based body and mind intervention to prevent falls and reduce health disparities in low-income populations. National Institutes of Health (NIH)/ National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD).
  1. Climate Creative Communities to Promote Physical Activity and Health Equity: A Pilot Study. Learning Institute for Elders (LIFE) at the University of Central Florida.
  1. Cultural adaptation of the Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths, and Injuries (STEADI) for older adults in Thailand: Feasibility and acceptability. UCF Foundation.
  1. Health disparities and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk in low-income older adults: A pilot study of a cross-country comparison of the US and Thailand. Startup funds.
  1. Self-perceptions of aging and well-being: The role of family relationships and social cohesion in low-income older adults. Drs. Diane and Thomas Andrews Postdoctoral Research Award.
