Nursing students at UCF gain hands-on, real-world clinical experiences in a state-of-the-art, internationally recognized simulation and clinical skills center led by world-renowned experts.

Internationally Recognized STIM Center

Society for Simulation in Healthcare Accredited Program in Teaching and Education, and INACSL Healthcare Simulation Standards IV Endorsement

UCF’s STIM (Simulation, Technology, Innovation and Modeling) Center is a leader in providing high quality simulation experiences, earning full endorsement from INACSL – the only one in Florida – and accreditation from the Society for Simulation in Healthcare.

Spanning more than 7,500 square feet, the STIM Center at the UCF College of Nursing in Orlando replicates a variety of clinical spaces to prepare nursing students for clinical practice.

The STIM Center features state-of-the-art real and simulated medical devices as well as the latest technology to provide undergraduate and graduate students with an average of 7,500+ total contact hours annually in evidence-based simulation experiences.

The team of healthcare simulation experts include an advanced certified healthcare simulation operations specialist (CHSOS-A), certified healthcare simulation educators (CHSE), and some of the world’s first certified advanced healthcare simulation educators (CHSE-A).

Facilities provide as realistic of a clinical environment as possible while providing a safe, controlled setting to foster student learning, skills development and innovative research with the goal of improving patient safety and outcomes.

The STIM Center features five simulation suites, including the Knights Nursery & Pediatric Unit, the Critical Care Suite, the Clinical Skills (Essentials) Lab, and the Andersen Assessment Lab.

STIM Center Mission
To provide high-quality nursing simulation-based education and to lead innovative interdisciplinary research and learning.

STIM Center Vision
To be a global leader in best practices for simulation education and research.

Simulation Suites

UCF nursing students in the critical care learning lab

Each simulation suite is equipped with technologically advanced, high-fidelity simulators and specialized task trainers that are designed to create meaningful learning experiences for all students.

The Knights Nursery & Pediatric Unit, which features several specialized pediatric-age manikins, allow nursing students to learn to care for neonatal and pediatric patients. An ‘expecting mother’ is in another suite, where births can be simulated to allow students to learn and practice on all stages of labor.

The Critical Care Lab, made possible by a gift by a Elizabeth Morse Genius Foundation, allows for simulated practice in a mock ICU setting.

With the latest audio-visual technology, simulation experiences are recorded to review with students for better understanding and outcomes.

Additionally, in collaboration with the UCF Institute for Simulation and Training, the college offers a full suite of immersive Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) capabilities, including motion tracking, head-worn displays, and physiological measurement systems.

Clinical Skills Lab

UCF nursing students in the clinical skills essentials learning labA replicated hospital environment, the Clinical Skills, or Essentials, Lab is a hands-on “classroom” for undergraduate students to bridge from nursing theory learning in the classroom to real-world practice learning care of ‘patients.’

Through instructor guidance and independent, self-directed practice, students learn skills such as basic care and mobility, principles of sterile technique, principles of medication administration, urinary catheter insertion, sterile practice and maintenance of catheters, and more.

The Clinical Skills Lab features all of the vital medical equipment and simulation tools needed for the development of critical thinking and clinical skills.

Andersen Assessment Lab

NP students in clinical lab

Through the generosity of the Martin Andersen-Gracia Andersen Foundation, the Andersen Assessment Lab includes exam beds, specialized training tools and the technology needed to fulfill the requirements of the college’s nurse practitioner programs.

The Andersen Assessment Lab features four exam rooms for graduate students to enhance clinical and interpersonal communication skills through physical examination and medical history assessment of a standardized patient (a trained, real-world individual to portray a patient).

Simulated Participant and Embedded Participant Programs

Play a role in simulation education and help future Knight nurses.

Participant “actors” are needed to help educate future Knight nurses in the Simsations-4-LIFE program at UCF’s STIM Center.

These roles are critical to helping nursing students navigate situations that they will encounter in their profession by reproducing important components of the clinical experience, and allowing the opportunity to give and receive feedback.

Training is provided. Flexible participation hours.


  • Between the ages of 18 and 75
  • Minimal tech experience, such as Zoom and email access
  • Must have reliable transportation to UCF College of Nursing in Orlando, Florida

Two Ways to Help

Embedded Participant Volunteers
A volunteer caregiver, patient, fellow professional or community member, role playing in a nursing simulation training.

Simulated Participants
A participant hired and trained to portray patients in various medical scenarios, and aid in the assessment of nursing students.