Jennifer M. Crook

October 13, 2023 by
As a critical care- and case management-trained registered nurse, military veteran and dependent, and food pantry volunteer, Jennifer Crook had the opportunity to work in multiple states in the U.S., where she identified not only the existence of widespread food and nutritional insecurity, but a potentially overlooked connection between nutrition, chronic inflammation and chronic disease. […]

Victoria Loerzel

December 5, 2018 by
Older adults; Cancer; Symptom management and experience; Representation of symptoms and illness; Quality of life; Technology-based interventions; Nursing student and lay person knowledge of cancer and end of life issues.

Christopher W. Blackwell

November 21, 2018 by
Health risk and provider attitudes towards people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered, including HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections, anorectal cancer, substance abuse, mental health, workplace discrimination, and social inequity.


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