Kimberly Scalise

January 25, 2024 by
A registered nurse for more than 30 years, Kimberly Scalise is experienced in a range of teaching modalities including, online, didactic and clinical, but her primary focus is healthcare simulation education. She is committed to the advancement of professional nursing education through the use of simulation-based learning to develop students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes to […]

Gregory F. Welch

December 7, 2018 by
Virtual and augmented reality; human tracking systems; and human surrogates for training and telepresence.

Erica Hoyt

December 5, 2018 by
Emergency and flight nursing; Implementation of clinical simulation in nursing education; Community nursing.

Peggy P. Hill

December 5, 2018 by
Adult learning; Simulation: Strategies for nursing students to self-advocate and manage conflicting demands and interruptions.

Desiree A. Díaz

November 30, 2018 by
Using simulation to train health care providers to improve the care of underserved patient populations, including correctional health care and limited English proficient patients.

Mindi Anderson

November 21, 2018 by
Virtual and game-based simulation; Standardized patients; Interprofessional education using simulation; Innovative use and evaluation of simulation technology in preparing undergraduate and graduate students for nursing practice.


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