Released on November 8, 2021
The best inventions come from solving problems that revolve around people and improving their life in some way. In 2021, UCF filed 118 patent applications and 64 new U.S. patents were secured. Photo credit: Adobe Stock
Dr. Gregory Welch, Endowed Chair in Healthcare Simulation, UCF College of Nursing
Gregory F. Welch, PhD

Some of the best ideas come when the mind can wander, process new knowledge, and connect dots that don’t obviously seem to belong together.

For computer scientist and engineer Gregory Welch, the AdventHealth Endowed Chair in Healthcare Simulation in the UCF College of Nursing and Pegasus Professor, some of his biggest “aha” moments occur at times of reflection, especially while riding his bicycle along Central Florida’s Bike Trail.

Frank Guido-Sanz
Frank Guido-Sanz PhD, APRN, ANP-BC, ’18AGACNP-BC

For Francisco Guido-Sanz, an assistant professor of nursing and member of the National Disaster Medical System Trauma Critical Care Team, practical experience and collaboration with others is the way to get an idea to the place where it can make a difference with patients.

From an app that allows family members to “touch” patients isolated when being treated for COVID to a wound simulator to improve health care training, UCF Today shares some of their patented innovations.

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