
Mona Shattell is the chair of the Department of Nursing Systems, the Hugh F. and Jeannette G. McKean Endowed Chair, and a professor in the UCF College of Nursing. An internationally recognized mental health and psychiatric nursing expert, Shattell is the editor of the Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, and the author of more than 150 journal articles and book chapters. Her research and published work focus on improving the mental health of vulnerable populations, including long-haul truckers; patient-provider relationships, and environments of care. Shattell is a public thought leader and advocate for the nursing profession with an active social media presence and more than 60 nationally published op-eds, including in The New York Times, The Atlantic, The Hill, and Health Affairs. She recently authored the book, “Social Media in Healthcare: A Guide to Creating Your Professional Digital Presence.” Prior to UCF, Shattell was associate dean for faculty development and a distinguished scholar in the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing.

  • PhD, University of Tennessee
  • MSN, Syracuse University
  • BSN, Syracuse University
Selected Editorial Activities
  • Editor, Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services
  • Editorial Board Member, Advances in Nursing Science
Selected Awards & Honors
  • Melva Jo Hendrix Lectureship Award, International Society of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses, 2023
  • Jeanette Chamberlain Psychiatric Leadership Award, International Society of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses, 2020
  • Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame, Sigma Honor Society of Nursing, 2020
  • Outstanding Dissemination of Health Information, Maryland Nurses Association, 2019
  • Fellow, Institute of Medicine Chicago, 2016
  • Fellow, American Academy of Nursing, 2013
Selected Professional Activities
  • Research Work Group Co-Chair, LGTBQ Health Summit
  • Health Policy Advisory Committee, American Association of Colleges of Nursing
  • Institute for Nursing’s Leadership National Advisory Council, American Academy of Nursing

Expertise & Research

Research Areas
  • Aging & Vulnerable Populations
  • Mental Health / Psychiatric
  • Nursing Education
  • Public Health
  • Qualitative Research Methods
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