Healthcare warrior for veterans and the underserved

“I am on track to complete my DNP in May 2018. That is when the real work starts. I hope to start a street medicine clinic in Brevard County that meets veterans ‘where they are.’ Veterans experience many barriers in accessing healthcare and face many obstacles that delay care.

UCF supports veterans, and provided me my first opportunity to earn an education when I returned from the Middle East. To me, the strategic relationship that the College of Nursing has with the VA was critical. As a veteran, there are not only career benefits in performing clinical rotations at the VA, but there is a strong emotional and psychological bond when helping your fellow soldier.

My time in the military was committed to serving those in need. But I knew long before then that my life would be dedicated to the underserved. When I was young, I was diagnosed with an unknown bleeding disorder and unable to receive care through our insurance. Duke University Medical Center approached us with a possible treatment and after 11 years, I was cured. That moment inspired my life’s work.

What gets me up in the morning is knowing that I have a greater purpose today, than yesterday. My chair said it best, ‘the learning is in the doing.’ Today I have to learn everything I can, so that tomorrow I can do better.

My doctorate work has focused on helping a local non-profit healthcare system that provides free medical services to the uninsured. But after I complete my doctorate, I hope to do better for both veterans and the underserved.”

UCF Affiliations

  • Alumnus, ’18DNP
  • 2014-15 Primary Care Scholar Recipient
  • UCF College of Nursing Volunteer at Old Breed Rugby Club

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