Theta Epsilon Chapter at UCF College of Nursing
The University of Central Florida College of Nursing is home to the Theta Epsilon Chapter of Sigma, the international honor society for global nursing excellence. Theta Epsilon hosts bi-annual meetings each fall and spring, as well as an annual Nursing Scholarship Day each April. The chapter also provides competitive research grants to assist local nurses in funding their research.

Join Sigma: Theta Epsilon
Students enrolled in UCF’s nursing program are invited to join UCF’s Theta Epsilon Chapter after they meet specific selection criteria. Learn more.
Nurse Leader
Nursing professionals not previously inducted as nursing students and not currently enrolled in a nursing program can also join as a Nurse Leader. Learn more.

Sigma Honors
Ken Dion, ’91 BSN alumnus of UCF
Treasurer | an elected position serving on Sigma’s national 2017-19 Board of Directors
Mary Lou Sole, dean of the College of Nursing
Inducted into Sigma’s International Researcher Hall of Fame

Nursing Scholarship Day
UCF College of Nursing and the Theta Epsilon Chapter of Sigma host an annual Nursing Scholarship Day that highlights clinical, education and research initiatives each April.
For more information about this and other upcoming events, click here.