Released on August 27, 2020


At the 2020 Virtual White Coat Ceremony, UCF College of Nursing welcomed nearly 300 new BSN students into the healthcare profession.

Today’s virtual celebration does not lessen its significance. The White Coat Ceremony is an important event in your journey to become a nurse and for the future patients you will serve.

Leslee D’Amato-Kubiet, ’13PhD, APRN

“Today our communities, our nation and our world need more nurses to provide compassionate and skilled care. They need more UCF Knight Nurses,” continued event emcee Leslee D’Amato-Kubiet.

Sponsored by Orlando Health and AdventHealth, the White Coat Ceremony is a rite of passage for nursing students where they first don a white clinical coat, known as the “cloak of compassion.”

With the coat cloaked, students take an oath to providing compassionate, patient-centered care and to “keeping healthcare human.”

A time-honored tradition in the healthcare profession, the White Coat Ceremony was extended to nursing students in 2014 thanks to a groundbreaking collaboration with the Arnold P. Gold Foundation and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.

UCF College of Nursing is one of 360 nursing schools across the nation to take part in this iconic ceremony. It is the fifth annual White Coat Ceremony at the college.

The ceremony is held at the beginning of the BSN program for Traditional and Second Degree students, prior to their first clinical experiences.

“As you go through this often challenging, but incredibly rewarding journey, remember that you are not alone. And remember why you began – to care for others,” said Dean Mary Lou Sole.


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